Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lab Investigation Cell Purple Dye Solution - 1042 Words

The purpose of this lab investigation is to make 1 L of Pirate Purple dye solution. The claim states that the use of the concentration and absorbance of the Blue 1 dye and Red 3 dye will lead to the concentrations of the red and blue dye to yield 1 L of Pirate Purple dye. In order to understand molarity or concentration, familiarity with the terms of solute, solvent, and solution are very important. A Solute is a substance that is being dissolved by a solvent. A solvent is a substance that is dissolving the solute. Solution is a solute of a homogenous mixture that is dissolved in a solvent. With that being said, molarity is the moles of a solute divided by the liters of a solution (mol/L). In accordance to concentration, absorbance is used†¦show more content†¦After the serial dilutions of the red and blue dyes were taken, the molarity and absorbance for both dyes were calculated. Using the MiVi = MfVf equation, the concentrations for each value of the red and blue dye were separately calculated. Calculating absorbances calls for setting the correct wavelengths of light for each dye. In this case, the 470 nm wavelength for red dye and the 635 nm wavelength for blue dye was needed to find the maximum absorbances. The absorbance was found by blanking the colorimeter and entering the concentrations. After both values of the absorbances and concentrations were found, the values were then graphed in order to obtain the equation of the relationship between absorbance and concentration. The concentrations and absorbances of the red and blue dyes were used to find the concentration of the purple dyes. From the graph of the blue dye, the linear equation for absorbance was y = mx + b. From that formula came the equation y = 7.915 x 104 (x) + 0.02489, where y represents absorbance, m is slope, x is concentration/molarity, and b is the constant/y-intercept. The same set up was performed for the red dye, but the equation produced was y = 1.045 x 104 (x) +.001298. T he equations found when graphing absorbance vs. concentration were used to find the concentration of the purple dyes. The absorbance for purple dye 3 on the red wavelength of 470 nm equaled 0.149 and 0.818 for the blue wavelength of 635 nm. For purple dye 1Show MoreRelatedOsmosis10180 Words   |  41 PagesAdvanced Placement Biology  ® AP Biology Lab 1 281 EDVO-Kit # Storage: Principles Practice of Diffusion Osmosis Store entire experiment at room temperature. EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVE The objective of this experiment is to develop an understanding of the molecular basis of diffusion and osmosis and its physiological importance. Students will analyze how solute size and concentration affect diffusion across semi-permeable membranes and how these processes affect water potential. StudentsRead MoreEight Accidental Discoveries: Science Analysis Essay1778 Words   |  8 Pagesremaining solution would dye material the color purple which he called mauve and the dye itself he called mauveine. (The Museum of Science and Industry, 2006). It gained huge popularity because Queen Victoria loved the color and it led to the invention of new colors and the dye industry (The Museum of Science and Industry, 2006). Later synthetic dyes were used on food, hair, and also to brighten clothes (The Museum of Science and Industry, 2006). The significance in science was the use of dye to stainRead MoreIndustrial Attachment Report at Cmr-Kemri9715 Words   |  39 PagesImmunology. CMR hosts the Nairobi centre for the Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine (NUITM) and the Microbiology unit of the Institute of Tropical Infectious Disease (INTROMID). It has a Mycology lab that carries research on fungal and opportunistic infections and Parasitology lab. CMR also carries out medical examination of employees in the hospitality industry (HISP) from hotels, schools, Manufacturing industries .(HISP) is a KEMRI project based at the Centre for Microbiology Research

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