Monday, September 30, 2019

Causes of Lying

How many people can say that they have never lied? In all sincerity, there is no one that could confess that. â€Å"A lie is an untruth, a deviation, big or small, from what is known to be real. It is a false statement deliberately presented as being true, thus misrepresenting a situation or giving a totally wrong impression about something† (â€Å"Why people lie†). It’s a natural feeling to want to lie or omit the truth to get out of a difficult situation. Most of the time people are dishonest because they fear that telling the truth will get them in trouble. The main motives that cause people to lie are the attempts to avoid punishment, to seek attention, and to protect others feelings. One of the most common reasons that people â€Å"tweak† the truth is to avoid punishment. The consequences of our actions can sometimes be frightful and in order to cover up a certain incident we find it necessary to blame someone or something else. A good example would be telling a teacher the dog ate your homework. This person blamed the dog to get away with forgetting to do their worksheet; therefore, they avoided getting a zero for the assignment. If a guy sees an attractive woman walk by while he is on a date with his girlfriend, it is normal for him to want to get a better glance. At this point it is reasonable for his â€Å"sweetie† to question if he was staring and if so, why? Of course the boy was admiring the lovely lady’s beauty, but in order to avoid an argument or even a break up the young man simply explains how he only has eyes for his divine girlfriend. In order to stay out of trouble people must do what they have to stay in the clear. If that means another person has to face the cost of another peer’s action, well so be it. Another instance in which lying is quite popular is when individuals want to seek attention. Sometimes people just want to fit in and be accepted by their associates, but in order to do that they must provide false information. â€Å"It boils down to the shifting sands of the self and trying to look good both to ourselves and others, experts say† (Lloyd). Some people lie in order to make their life seem more interesting. Saying that you met a famous celebrity or exaggerating about a social outing can make any social life appear exciting. Most of us want to be the center of attention and in order to get there we must make up stories to capture our friends interest. When a person really likes someone they pretend to be a fan of everything that individual favors just to capture their attention. A lot of times people just want to be perfect and act as if they know everything. In the article â€Å"Why people lie† it says: A person applying for a job may claim proficiency in a certain field he's obviously not very good in because the job requirements state it as a prerequisite. Another such person may similarly claim expertise in a particular area for the sake of impressing his boss, or in hope of promotion. This is called lying to gain an advantage over other people. This is where someone wants to present themselves as a well rounded person to be more qualified for a position. Pretending to be some your not can only take someone so far until their busted. In some cases, what causes us to lie is the need protect other people’s feelings. Lying is usually intended to help ourselves out, but sometimes we do it to keep us from dragging others into our problems. The medical reports are in and it says you have been diagnosed with cancer. The easy thing to do is to tell friends and family about the illness to gain their support. Lately, the people who love you the most have been really stressed out with problems of their own. Since they are having such a difficult time, some may think it would be best to keep the illness a secret. When loved ones ask about the results of the exam you say everything is â€Å"okay†. Dragging others into things that they should not worry about isn’t necessary; it is better if we look after each other’s feelings. When Moms spend a whole day preparing a special meal for their family it sometimes doesn’t turn out so great, but we realize that they dedicated all their time into creating something everyone could enjoy, so we tell them the food was delicious. A common question asked by ladies is if a particular outfit makes them look fat. Although what they are wearing may make them come across as chubby, you say it looks sensational on them to spare them the grief. â€Å"The study, published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, found that 60 percent of people had lied at least once during the 10-minute conversation, saying an average of 2. 2 inaccurate things† (Lloyd). The truth is a rare thing to hear now and days, but it’s all in the purpose of creating less drama in our day to day lives. Everyone lies, it’s just another part of life, but behind every lie there is a purpose; whether it is to avoid getting a phone taken up or to make someone feel good. Many situations lead to one of these three causes of lying. Sometimes all people want is to protect themselves or to care for others with false reports. At the end of the day millions of individuals would have lied, but the world continues to revolve.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Conventional Books vs E-Book Essay

As past times go, there’s little that is more old-fashioned, quiet and basic as reading a book. Or, at least, that used to be the case. But with the competitive flood of electronic readers, or e-readers, hitting the market as well as e-reader applications for smartphones, the reading experience has been getting a progressively modern makeover. The stats are in and the fight is on. Overall book sales have dropped in 2008 and 2009, according to the American Association of Publishers (AAP). While adult hardcover books actually increased by over 6% in 2009, eBook sales, which account for 4% of all book sales, have increased a whopping 176%. Are these figures telling the tale of the tape as the publishing industry struggles to regain their status as a recession proof industry? Are eBooks on their way to eliminating traditional books altogether? Most of us love to read and most of us have our preferences for the platform we read from. Will you be a traditionalist and stand behind the old guard? Bill McCoy, executive director of International Digital Publishing Forum, based in Seattle, Washington, said that while it’s hard to gauge just how the sale of digital books (e-books) is growing, it’s clear that the sales, as a percentage of the overall market, are in the double digits â€Å"and on a fast-growing vector†. â€Å"Amazon is saying that they’re selling more e-books than hardcover books. And in many cases, depending on the title, they might be selling more e-books than physical books. † A relatively new phenomenon is that e-reader, be it Kindle, ipad or a number of other new competitors coming into the marketplace. When we think about our environment, these devices seem to be more environmentally friendly than our typical paper and cardboard book, even a paperback. There are certain tactile to real book, just feeling the paper, turning the pages. But on the surfaces, the e-reader would seem to be much greener. E-reader vs. conventional book is a provocative question. Actually, right now, there are some major problems with conventional book publishing, of which you should be aware, if your goal is to get this community to acquire and then to issue your work. The first one is distribution through bookstores has never been tougher. Most publishers sell to stores on consignment. If books don’t fly off shelves into the hands of buyers, they’re returned to publishers, very quickly. Your title doesn’t get very long exposure or time to establish itself. Other than that, books used to be kept â€Å"in print† and available for longer periods of time, in many cases, for years. Now, they’re put to death quickly, if initial sales are anything other than brisk. Besides that, we live in an era of the celebrity book. If Oprah wants to write a diet book, it will be a monster hit; you know that. But the most exciting, up and coming, highly credentialed nutritionist may not have a chance of breaking into print. Next, publishers expect authors to make them profitable through personal promotional efforts. â€Å"What are you going to do to sell this book? † is the major question they ask, and agents will tell you, without a personal commitment to sell your own copies, stated in your book proposal, you won’t get a publisher to bite. Otherwise, publishers are clueless, themselves, about what to put out there. Reluctant to lead, and reluctant to follow the success of others, they are like the proverbial deer in the headlights. It used to be the case that if you wanted information on a subject you either went to your library or to your local bookstore. Not anymore. By going to the Internet, you can assemble the equivalent of a book, fast and more or less, for free. Publishers haven’t figured out how to sell content at a premium, in an environment in which so much of it is available, instantly, for nothing. There are alternatives to conventional book publishing, including self-publishing and using media alternatives such as audios and videos. A regular book is better. Not only is it more reliable and you don’t have to worry about it dying, but there is just something special about feeling the smooth front cover and the rough edges of the thick, coarse pieces of paper that have been read by so many. If you get an e-book you click, download, and read. There’s nothing like the feeling of finishing a really good book. You want to share it with someone! You can’t share an e-book. E-books are really only good for travel. Most of the people refuse e-books either but prefers reading conventional books. Readers like to read in bed so it’s easier the conventional way; they always find it’s easier on the eye to read a conventional book. It seems that our eyes feel more tired for reading e-book. Reading in the internet really hurts people’s eyes. Anyway, we should protect our eyes. There are people who read both but by far prefer a real book. In the technology era, there are some advantages and bright future for e-book. The first one is from the finding the book from the bookshelf. Depending on how many books readers have, and how organized they are, this can be a fairly daunting task for traditional books. Some people used to have organized the books by the name of author, type of the books or alphabetically by title. That fell by the wayside the last time they moved. While they arranged it, they are completely random within the way they organized. That may not sound like trouble, but for someone who has a lot of books, for instance, it can make any one book tricky to find. While searching for a book on the virtual bookshelves within the e-book application is only slightly easier. Using e-book application, making it easy to find a book by typing the title, by author or by how frequently people read the book. Secondly is travelling with books. Some people used to travel a lot and it was all they could do to fill the boredom of those long journeys with reading. It meant readers had to bring a lot of books with them, which weighed down their luggage. Travelling with e-books is something that they call heaven. They can close to 200 books and 30 or 40 magazines on their e-book application. The traditional books stack lot of kilograms but then using the e-book just only a few grams. From this side, people more prefer to using e-book rather than conventional books. In many circumstances, reading an e-book is far superior to reading a traditional paper book. Firstly, the portability of e-book. The wonderful thing about electronic text is that it takes up virtually no room, in both a physical and digital sense. If readers have a storage card, they can walk around with at least a dozen books, and probably many more than that. Even if they don’t have a storage card, they can still walk around with a fair collection of three to six books (again, depending on book size and available memory). In many situations it’s hard to carry even one book around with people. The storage abilities of most e-books allow readers to carry a reasonable collection of reading materials and/or reference texts. Because they probably carry their handheld around with them everywhere anyway, the convenience factor increases nearly exponentially. Because e-book is digital, not only are they super-portable, but they also open up the possibility for some really useful features. For starters, since most e-book is in some form of digital text file, readers can search the text for words or phrases. This is helpful when readers want to find a quote or another specific section of the book. This can cut minutes, if not hours, off of wild goose chases for particular passages. Additionally, digital formats are assuming copy protection doesn’t get in the way that can be duplicated forever without decay or any real expense. We’ll dig deeper into the specifics of this issue later in the series, but if the e-book allows it, this duplication ability can make it possible for people to share books with their friends without ever having to actually give up one of their possessions. This is good for publishers (and hopefully writers as well), who don’t have to pay any production costs. This in turn should drive the prices down for the readers. While the digital nature of the e-book in theory raises the effectiveness of e-book, it also brings up a few ideas that are interesting and worth perusing in this series. E-book also easy to be read. The electronic format offers readers even more benefits over traditional paper books. E-book can be read in a variety of lighting situations, and due to the back lighted screens that most palm computers have, people can read an e-book in most low or no light situations, such as on the subway, during nighttime road trips, or in bed when they don’t want to disturb their partner. Advantages of conventional books over electronic is resale value. Like music downloads, people will never actually be able to resell electronic books. If they are into collectable books, this is a particularly big problem and they should only use physical titles. Reading ease is also one of the advantages of conventional books. This one is only really a benefit for those that would otherwise read e-book on their computers or phones. If readers buy a commercial e-reader, it will probably use ink technology that will not hurt their eyes with backlight. Never the less, readers don’t need to worry about this problem with a physical book. Other than that, no devices needed. If readers find themselves in a small town without their cell phone or computer, they won’t be able to download a new title for your e-book, but they can always stop by a local bookstore and pick up a new paperback. Conventional books have no batteries. While most readers have a good battery life, there will still be times where readers forget to charge it and then can’t read at all. Readers will never have this problem with a standard book. No warranties needed when readers choosing conventional books. If their e-reader breaks, they will have nothing to read until they receive a new one. Some devices let them read the titles they have saved on their computer, but it’s just something readers will never have to worry about with a physical book. Best of all, if a book does get damaged to where people can’t read it, they can just go to the bookstore and buy another copy, rather than worrying if it is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Next is tradition. Let’s face it; people are never going to get that comforting smell of paper or the weight of a good book in their hands when they read an e-book. And while people can flip ahead in an e-book, readers can’t do so in a matter of seconds and flip right back to the page. Amazon recently announced that its June 2010 Kindle e-book sales nearly doubled its hardcover book sales (180% higher). Many of those e-books were self-published books priced under a dollar; however, data indicates e-books may become the dominant long-form format in not too many years. Are low-overhead e-books better for authors or publishers than their print counterparts? Forrester Research says retailers will sell 6. 6 million e-readers in 2010. Apple has already sold 3 million iPads, which are capable of reading Amazon Kindle e-books as well as Apple’s iBooks. At average prices, one would need to buy 15 e-books to offset the $189 price tag of a Kindle, 12 e-books to pay off a $149 Barnes and Noble Nook, and 39 e-books to justify a $499 entry-level iPad (assuming price is the only factor). E-books are up 200% from 2009, according to the Association of American Publishers; however, they still only represent 3-5% of total sales for publishers, according to the New York Times. Hardcover books are also up 40% since 2009, indicating that while e-books are undoubtedly a big part of the future of long-form publishing, people will still be turning paper pages for a while. (Sources: PrintingChoice, NYTimes) The tactile pleasure of worn pages between reader’s fingers is hard to replace. But when it comes to encouraging people to embrace the written word, e-readers trump their physical counterparts. According to the infographic below, people who own e-book devices say they read more than people who don’t, at a rate of 24 books per year to 15. Education, escape, relaxation and entertainment rank as people’s main motivations to plow through books — proving that, whether electronically or via dead tree, reading remains a popular pastime. E-readers are also rising in popularity, signaling that it may not be impossible to imagine a world without traditional books sometime in the not-so-distant future. From December 2011 to January 2012, e-reader ownership nearly doubled, from 10 percent to 19 percent, among American adults. And that stunning surge in just one month’s time doesn’t even account for tablets or other mobile electronic devices people use to read books and long form content. Worldwide, meanwhile, e-reader sales rose by nearly 3 million between 2010 and 2011. It’s also interesting to look at the relationship between actual e-book consumption and ownership of a device that enables users to read books electronically. According to one study, 29% of American adults own a personal e-book device, tablets included. But just 21% of adults had actually read an e-book in the past year as of February 2012. It’ll be interesting to see if and when experiments on the potential impacts of e-readers on memory and cognition are done, as the market has definitely reached a point of no return in terms of moving away from printed pages. Stephanie Mantello, senior public relations manager of the Kindle group at Amazon. com, gave answers that didn’t include specifics, but implied massive quantities. For instance, when asked how many Kindles the company has sold since the product was first introduced in 2008, Mantello simply said, â€Å"Millions. Millions of people are reading on Kindle. Kindle is also the best-selling product in the history of Amazon. com. † It is the most-wished for on the â€Å"wish list† function account holders have on the company’s site. It’s given as a gift more often than any other single product. It has the most 5-star reviews. She did say that between April 1 and May 19, for every 100 print books the company sold, it sold 105 Kindle books. â€Å"This includes sales of hardcover and paperback books by Amazon where there is no Kindle edition. Free Kindle books are excluded, and, if included, would make the number even higher,† said Mantello. The reasons for the slow acceptance of e-books vary but a constant reason given was not being comfortable with reading using personal computers, laptops and palm pilots (Helfer, 2000; Andersen, 2001). Other reasons included: finding it difficult to read on small screens, problems with browser, slow loading time, difficulties in navigating (Gibbon, 2001; Chu, 2003); and preferring to read printed text (Ray and Day, 1998; Holmquist, 1997; Gibbon, 2001). Summerfield and Mandel (1999) indicated that library users at the University of Columbia would use e-book in some depth when they are required to do so by courses they are following. The studies above indicated that the degree of acceptance of e-book is on the rise but the preference for printed text remained. A high percentage of students indicated that they used e-book because it was available online (64. 2%), provided faster and easy access to new titles (45. 7%) and did not require physical visit to the library (40. 7%) (Table 1). Bodomo†¦et al’s (2003) respondents gave similar answers and his respondents recognized that digital libraries were very convenient since they did not need to go to libraries and could still read and download books or journals from home. Similarly, Chu (2003) also reported that â€Å"available around the clock† and â€Å"searchable† were valued the most by students at a library and information science schools in the USA. Table 1: Reasons for Using or Not Using e-book Table 1 (b) shows that almost half (45. 6%) of the non-users indicate preference for paper format as a barrier for them from using e-books service. Holmquist (1997) found that the main reason for his respondents’ non-use of e-journals was their preference to read articles on paper, not on the computer screen. Other non-users have mentioned factors such as little knowledge on how to use or access e-books, the print copy is convenient to use, the lack of Internet connection, difficulty in browsing and reading, having no interest, and perceiving the need for special software to be able to use e-book as being cumbersome. When the non-users were asked whether they would use the e-book in the future, only 30% (38) gave a definite â€Å"yes† while the majority (61%, 76) indicated â€Å"probably† or â€Å"not sure or â€Å"probably not†Ã¢â‚¬  (6%, 8; 2%, 2). â€Å"While university students operate in a world immersed in digital text, they have not simultaneously abandoned print. It is not true, as Steve Jobs stated and as Nicholas Carr implied, that they like the iPad because they don’t read. In fact, for their university studies, students prefer to read on paper, although they also want the convenience of online digital text. † Cull, 2012 There is no doubt that new forms of publishing are becoming increasingly popular across the world. Their benefits are those that the traditional  printed book could never imagine to surpass, and they fill a gap in a rapidly increasing market of readers dictating portability and mass storage as necessary to the current lifestyle. However, evidence shows that readers are not entirely convinced that e-readers are books of the future. They have not caught on as other recent technology trends have, and the consistent theme of simulating e-readers to resemble traditional books, indicates that consumers are not prepared to relinquish the time-honored form for this new technology. As such, the chance of books becoming redundant or obsolete in the near future is improbable. â€Å"The history of communications media tells us that new media often do not replace old. At most, they redefine the purposes and functions of older media† (Cope & Kalantzis 2001:5). Of more value to consumers then, is a co-existence of the two, amalgamating the benefits of each to accommodate for the needs of all, rendering neither redundant nor obsolete.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Service Quality Between Internal Customers and Internal Suppliers in Essay

Service Quality Between Internal Customers and Internal Suppliers in an International Airline - Essay Example Flowchart A. Flowchart of front-end operations of British Airways B. Back end operations of British Airways Significance of service encounter Service encounter can also be described as the moment of truth. Service encounter happens when a customer comes in contact with the product or service of a company. It can also be defined as the consumer touch point. In the airline industry, there are many service encounters. Starting from information seeking for flights to exit from the destination, a customer is exposed to numerous customer touch points. These touch points can be categorized into the front end and back end. Booking and order taking The process of service encounter start when a customer is seeking information through various sources. These sources can be telephonic assistance, online websites and customer services. In this case, it is very important that the market established effective and easy means of communication so that information search will be easy and user-friendly. In order to make the customer decision-making process in favour of the company, it is crucial to have an effective advertising strategy. This strategy should include the product features, benefits and services provided by the brand. Searching and booking through online websites is becoming a popular trend in recent years (Gillen and Morrison, 2005). In order to maximize this opportunity, the website of the airline brand should be attractive, user-friendly and easily accessible on the internet. Even though the internet provides easy and cheap access to information, many times consumers expect additional information on ticket prices, flight schedules etc, in case of any changes. In this case, the service encounter is the customer and support services provided by the company. Order taking can be online or offline. Giving orders for reservations makes the journey easy and relaxed, without any hitches.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dissolution of the Department of Homeland Security Essay

Dissolution of the Department of Homeland Security - Essay Example One need look no further than the seemingly ever increasing nature of the annual budgets within which DHS must manage its mandates to see evidence of this. For instance, in 2012 alone, your budget allocated 43.2 billion USD to the Department of Homeland Security as a means of meeting the goals and mission objectives that it has been tasked with (Vandermey, 2011). Although one of the main reasons why both republicans and democrats have argued for the perpetuation of the Department of Homeland Security is due to the fact that there has not been a single domestic act of widespread terrorism since the attacks of September 11, 2001. However, this logic is faulty due to the fact that absence of an attack does not actually correspond to the effectiveness of the agency in general. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, the actual distribution of power that the Department of Homeland Security oversees appears to be one of its greatest weaknesses. Moreover, it is the belief of this citizen th at the argument for the furtherance of the Department of Homeland Security by congressional share-holders has been partly born out of a fear for voting to discontinue such an entity and then facing the electoral ramifications of what this could portend for them, as well as for their party, should another terrorist attack similar to the scale of September 11th, 2001 take place again within the United States. This fear is not only warranted but it is also indicative of a type of thinking that continues to place the United States in a great deal more debt than it would otherwise have. Prior to its creation in October of 2011, the Department of Homeland Security’s ultimate functions were not merely nonexistent. I would ask that your administration keep this in mind as it considers funding and furtherance of the Department of Homeland Security into the future. Due to the fact that many of the individual aspects of the Department of Homeland Security’s ultimate purview were handled by other government entities, what the current Department of Homeland Security has come to represent is a government agency charged with an extraordinarily high level of oversight. As a function of this extremely high level of multiple oversights that the Department of Homeland Security is tasked with, it is the opinion of this author that this ultimately makes the mission, vision, and goals of the Department of Homeland Security untenable. Moreover, many critics have claimed that the department itself is ineffective due to the extremely wide breadth of instances that it attempts to protect against. Although it is laudable what the Department of Homeland Security is attempting to do with regards to protecting the population of the United States against natural and man-made threats to its continued existence, the fact of the matter remains that it is has seemingly become yet another bloated

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thomas Hope's influence on interiors and furnishings in the early Term Paper

Thomas Hope's influence on interiors and furnishings in the early 19th-century - Term Paper Example The freedom and capability to discover and pursue one’s interest is of great factor to any aspiring artists, like Thomas Hope, a young man who was blessed with a family banking fortune at his disposal that aided in his travels around the early civilisations of the world. At a tender age of 18, Hope, through a letter in 1804 addressed to Frances Annesly, already expressed his interest on the arts. â€Å"Egyptian architecture I went to investigate on the banks of the Nile, Grecian on the shores of Ionia, Sicily and the Peloponnesus. Four different times I visited Italy to render familiar to me all the shades of the infinitely varied styles of building peculiar to that interesting country†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Nolan, 2011, P 2) Thomas wrote, which showed his immense interest on the field of his personal choice. Discussion Despite the fortune brought about by the banking industry on the Hope family that originated from Scotland and settlers of Holland, Thomas did not show interest in his inherited trade but instead focused on his â€Å"favourite hobby† (Nolan, 2011, P 2) travelling as a student of cultures. Prior to establishing himself in Portland Place, London, Hope stayed in Istanbul to explore the Istanbul/Constantinople lifestyle embodied on their arts and cultures, and produced about 350 drawings of observations of the rich and powerful in that area (Nolan, 2011). In the purchase of the Adam House in Portland, he established himself in London as a scholarly art collector, interior designer, and patron of artists and craftsmen, of which he had been called â€Å"the Furniture† man although some of those who used the term meant to ridicule him. Despite the criticism, he continued to sketch designs for furniture with accompanied texts to advance historically-based knowledge of design as embodied in his several books: Household Furniture and Interior Decoration (1807); Costumes of the Ancients (1809); Designs of Modern Costumes (1812); and the posthumous An Historical Essay on Architecture (1835) (Nolan, 2011). He also wrote a fictitious romance Anastacius. His travels were also coupled with careful scrutiny of the images in those localities he set foot on, as well as studying of the arts and culture of his host place. Prior to Napoleon’s expedition in 1798, Hope already went as far as Near and Middle East, and Europe. His knowledge o f the collections in the Vatican and the Capitoline Museums also contributed to his vivid designs. He also studied architecture and design whilst collecting antiquities that were housed in Duchess. He also sketched many detailed artefacts seen in his travels including landscapes, mosques, palaces, interiors, friezes, reliefs, and other details that stole his fancy (Kelly, nd). His interest in Egyptian art and architecture cannot be undermined. Egyptian forms and decoration was seen as contributed in part by the neo-classicism of his period as well as early European interest in the region (Kelly, nd). It has been suggested that in Hope’s interest of the arts, he came across the work of Dominique Vivant Denon, book Voyag dans la Basee et la Haute Egypte (1802) that detailed his experiences in Egypt as an aide of Napoleon Bonaparte. This book has been seen of great influence to Thomas Hope’s design of furniture (Honour, ___ ) of which it was suggested that â€Å"Hope sei zed on Denon’s Voyage, which very conveniently appeared during the Peace of Amiens, and scanned its plates for illustrations of Egyptian furniture. He sought to reproduce the chairs, couches and beds to be descried in the hieroglyphic paintings and carvings,† (Honour, 1817, p 19). It was observed, however, by Kelly (n.d.) that Hope actually acknowledged Denon as one of his four inspirations in the decorative motifs in his furniture

Positive Effects Of The Industrial Revolution On The Lives Of People Case Study

Positive Effects Of The Industrial Revolution On The Lives Of People - Case Study Example The standard of living for some had improved and the society was progressing. The industrial revolution is said to have brought many positive effects in the lives of people. Inventions such as the steam locomotives helped transportation and the increase in agricultural yield helped the farmers. There were many more significant inventions which changed the face of the earth and improved the lives of the masses. However, as it is commonly said that a coin has two sides and so this is also visible here. With the many pros which the industrial revolution brought with itself, it also brought some flaws. It is these flaws which are often highlighted when the industrial revolution is discussed. To begin with, it is claimed that the industrial revolution created a huge gap between the other countries and Britain. Also, this did not only lead to a huge technological gap between the countries but this also created a financial gap between them and Britain. The incomes of the average family were increasing and the people were becoming richer. At this point, sociologists like Marxists claim that the businessmen or the ruling class are exploiting the masses by paying them lesser wages. This causes the standard of living of the workers to actually fall rather than improving. However, as statistics show that people were actually well of in the long run. As soon as the technological change set in the conditions started improving and soon the families were spending more on food, clothing and household goods than ever before 1 Overall, the Industrial Revolution had many good effects. It increased the number of goods and services a nation could produce and supplemented to its wealth. It created jobs for workers and overtime assisted they live better lives. It produced better diets, better accommodation, and cheaper, better clothing.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Types of Organization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Types of Organization - Research Paper Example In contrast to the classicalschool of thought,behavioral management holds the belief that employees work for inner satisfaction and are not motivated by material remuneration. It argues that productivity is driven by employee satisfaction and not the material benefits that one stands to gain. 2. Relate how today’s management environment differs from that of the management environment of the early 1900s. Today’s management environment is characterized by globalization, use of technological innovations, deregulation, and fierce competition from rival companies, diversified workforce and service specialization.This has driven innovation and the use of scientific models to improve production and decision making in general. In contrast, 1900s were characterized by mainly farm based activities where there was little or no dependency. Businesses were mainly small scale and did not operate beyond their regions thus there was little or no completion to fuel innovations. The gove rnment was barely involved in economic matters and there was little regulation on business process as observed in this age. Management environment today is able to better plan and forecast production through data collection and analysis because specialization through division of labor allows more time for process development. ... Employees are now drawn from different races, age groups, cultures and social backgrounds to bring on board people with fresh ideas and personal outlooks to problems facing their people0. There are several methods which organizations can use to manage diversity. This includes recruitment of a strong leadership which represents the diverse cultures of the employees and can effectively prevent prejudices and discriminations based on differences. Another method to manage diversity is to offer training and education which promotes embracing of different cultures or ways of thinking to create an open minded work force. A change in the culture and management system to incorporate diversity is also effective in managing diversity in the workplace. It not only creates a sense of belonging for all in the workplace but also fosters good relations and open communication channels needed for a company’s growth. 5. Briefly discuss the individual steps of the decision-making process. The for emost step of decision-making involves a description of the problem (Dessler, 2007). An initial assessment of the problem is clearly defined to understand why it is a problem and why you want to find solutions. The second step is clarifying your objectives. This step involves listing all concerns and converting them to precise objectives that lay the foundation of seeking possible solutions to the problem at hand. It also involves counterchecking the objectives to ensure that they seek to capture their interests of the process. The third step is identifying alternative solutions to the problem presented. Alternatives provide different options to choose from while making a decision. The fourth step is analyzing the consequences of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

McGraw-Hill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

McGraw-Hill - Research Paper Example 117). They needed to figure out whether they needed to make a book, which was common or accommodated to different professors. One of the initial things that the company needs to carry out is a feasibility study. This would be significant since creating something without knowing its important could be extremely expensive in the end. Analysis Question 1 McGraw-Hill in determining the feasibility of the Primis idea had several numbers of questions to ask itself before investing in the project. The main question, which the company needed to ask itself, is whether they had money and if not where were they going to get them. The second question was whether they had technological means of delivering, the ability to carry out research, the capacity to store materials and the method to be used in delivering the materials to the required point of sale in a timely manner. Other question was whether they had the means, opportunity as well as the revenue pack to justify getting the business idea started. Moreover, before making their materials, they need to examine a piece of work, which has been doing well in the market and compare it with those that are not doing very well. The other question was the uniqueness the new product would bring into the already competitive market in order to gain grounds. ... This includes determining whether the company was able to print the entire textbooks, which are currently demanded on time, even though they had no idea if custom publishing was feasible. The team also had to look at additional factors of pricing as well as quality. The company was also lucky to own its fast printing machine, which was the only one in the flour of the house publishing at that time. The system received funding which was a key to developing the system. In addition, the company had developed the content, had the storage capacity as well as the printer to start with. Question 3 The team should have tried to learn the objectives that will be met by the scheme. This objective needs mainly to be quantitative goals so that when the project is put into place it is easy to relate quantitatively the accomplishment with the initial objective set. Analysts must be able to approximate what hardware, as well as human resources, will be required to apply a system to meet the objecti ves. Analyst should also explore other ways to put into practice the system as well as their resource requirements. A cost-benefit analysis must be obtained for every alternative and provided to the administration. The analysis will be important for a company to determine which resolution they are likely to put in place. Feasibility of attaining objectives with available technology, as well as human resource together with cost, is vital parameters for informed administration decision-making process. Question 4 In my own view, I would not have implemented the system with the information the company had at that time. I would have first note the weaknesses in the current scheme as well as set goals to get rid of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Innovation of Prosthetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Innovation of Prosthetics - Essay Example That is, the innovation in the development of prosthetics is aimed at giving the amputee more control and feel over the device which makes him feel that it is as good as a natural body part. The whole evolution of prosthetics over the centuries is driven by the desire for improving the artificial devices’ anthropomorphism (Pitkin, 2009). Anthropomorphism can be best defined as the expressing of human motivations and feelings in non-human entities (Clark, 2011). In this case, it is to allow the prosthetic to serve as an equivalent to the natural body part doing all activities and functions that could have been performed with the natural body part. This report looks into the innovation in the field of prosthetics. It discusses the evolution of prosthetics over the centuries. The expected future developments in the field are also discussed along with initiatives taken to increase the awareness among people. Evolution of Prosthetics Prosthetics has evolved from its primitive form to today’s highly sophisticated form over the centuries. There have been numerous ideas and innovations that have been introduced in the field of prosthetics. Some of them have been very successful and they have been expanded new forms and design. Fixed-position foot is an example of a successful innovation. On the other hand, some of them have not worked out as anticipated and have been sidelined. The use of iron in prosthetics is an example of a poor innovation that did not work out. The very first prosthetics were the peg legs and hand hooks that were designed in and around 400 BC. These prosthetics have evolved over the years and lead to more advanced and sophisticated fittings and castings. Today’s prosthetics are highly individualised to meet the specific needs of the person (Norton, 2007). The earliest of prosthetics rather than function mainly served the purpose of wholeness. They were made fibres. The next step in the innovation of prosthetics was the use iron and bronze. The core of the prosthetics consisted of wooden and the exterior was made of bronze and iron. Slowly the dimension of purpose was introduced (Norton, 2007). The purpose was still trivial such as to enable the amputee to walk, hold shields in the battle, etc. The prosthetics served only one purpose and was not very effective and there was very little attention paid to function. Prosthetics were used mainly in battles for soldiers and only the rich and famous in the society could use hand hooks and peg legs for daily functions. The next step in the evolution was the better designs and the use of gears and springs. The designing was boosted by the contribution from people of various trades. Watchmakers played an important role in the introduction of gears and springs in the prosthetics. This gave a new dimension to prosthetics as they were added with specific intricate internal functions. The period of renaissance saw a rebirth of innovation in prosthetics. The mew materia ls such as copper, steel, iron along with wood were used in the making of prosthetics (Norton, 2007). Prosthetics were now designed with the intent to make it more easy and multifunctional. People now started using prosthetics to perform activities such as signing the name, opening the purse, removing the purse, etc. Engineering features started to become a integral of prosthetics. Engineering features that made into the design of prosthetics were fixed positions, harness that could be adjusted, mechanisms that could control knee lock, etc.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Imogene king Essay Example for Free

Imogene king Essay As Hall (1965) says; â€Å"To look at and listen to self is often too difficult without the help of a significant figure (nurturer) who has learned how to hold up a mirror and sounding board to invite the behaver to look and listen to himself. If he accepts the invitation, he will explore the concerns in his acts and as he listens to his exploration through the reflection of the nurse, he may uncover in sequence his difficulties, the problem area, his problem, and eventually the threat which is dictating his out-of-control behavior. † Major Concepts The individual human who is 16 years of age or older and past the acute stage of a long-term illness is the focus of nursing care in Hall’s work. The source of energy and motivation for healing is the individual care recipient, not the health care provider. Hall emphasizes the importance of the individual as unique, capable of growth and learning, and requiring a total person approach. Health can be inferred to be a state of self-awareness with conscious selection of behaviors that are optimal for that individual. Hall stresses the need to help the person explore the meaning of his or her behavior to identify and overcome problems through developing self-identity and maturity. The concept of society/environment is dealt with in relation to the individual. Hall is credited with developing the concept of Loeb Center because she assumed that the hospital environment during treatment of acute illness creates a difficult psychological experience for the ill individual (Bowar-Ferres, 1975). Loeb Center focuses on providing an environment that is conducive to self-development. In such a setting, the focus of the action of the nurses is the individual, so that any actions taken in relation to society or environment are for the purpose of assisting the individual in attaining a personal goal. Nursing is identified as consisting of participation in the care, core, and cure aspects of patient care. Subconcepts The Care Circle It represents the nurturing component of nursing and is exclusive to nursing. Nurturing involves using the factors that make up the concept of mothering (care and comfort of the person) and provide for teaching-learning activities. The professional nurse provides bodily care for the patient and helps the patient complete such basic daily biological functions as eating, bathing, elimination, and dressing. When providing this care, the nurse’s goal is the comfort of the patient. Providing care for a patient at the basic needs level presents the nurse and patient with an opportunity for closeness. As closeness develops, the patient can share and explore feelings with the nurse. The Core Circle It is based in the social sciences, involves the therapeutic use of self, and is shared with other members of the health team. The professional nurse, by developing an interpersonal relationship with the patient, is able to help the patient verbally express feelings regarding the disease process and its effects. Through such expression, the patient is able to gain self-identity and further develop maturity. The professional nurse, by the use of reflective technique (acting as a mirror to the patient), helps the patient look at and explore feelings regarding his or her current health status and related potential changes in lifestyle. Motivations are discovered through the process of bringing into awareness the feelings being experienced. With this awareness, the patient is now able to make conscious decisions based on understood and accepted feelings and motivation. The Cure Circle It is based in the pathological and therapeutic sciences and is shared with other members of the health team. During this aspect of nursing care, the nurse is an active advocate of the patient. Assumptions The motivation and energy necessary for healing exist within the patient, rather than in the health care team. The three aspects of nursing should not be viewed as functioning independently but as interrelated. The three aspects interact, and the circles representing them change size, depending on the patient’s total course of progress. Strengths/Weaknesses Strengths: The use of the terms care, core, and cure are unique to Hall. Hall’s work appears to be completely and simply logical. Weaknesses: Hall’s work is simple in its presentation. However, the openness and flexibility required for its application may not be so simple for nurses whose personality, educational preparation, and experience have not prepared them to function with minimal structure. This and the self-imposed age and illness requirements limit the generalizability. Analysis Hall imposed an age requirement for the application of her theory which is 16 years of age and above. This limits the theory since it cannot be disregarded that nurses are faced with pediatric clients every now and then. Even though Hall confined her concepts for that age bracket, the concepts of care, core and cure can still be applied to every age group but again, none was specified. The only tool of therapeutic communication Hall discussed is reflection. By inference, all other techniques of therapeutic communication are eliminated. Reflection is not always the most effective technique to be used. The concept of a patient aggregate such as having families and communities as the focus of nursing practice was not tackled. It is purely on the individual himself. Although, the role of the family or the community within the patient’s environment was modestly discussed. In the focus of nursing care in Hall’s concepts, the individual must pass an acute stage of illness for you to successfully apply her theory. Therefore, this theory relates only to those who are ill. This indicates that no nursing contact with healthy individuals, families, or communities, and it negates the concept of health maintenance and disease prevention.

Friday, September 20, 2019

HP Introduction

HP Introduction Hewlett Packard popularly called HP is a company that provides technology solutions to consumers, businesses and all forms of institutions worldwide. The company later expands its operations to IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing services. The company is known throughout the world by operating in more than 170 countries around the world. The mission of the company is to facilitate how technology and services can assist individuals and institutions in addressing their problems and challenges so as to realize their dreams. The company applies new thinking and ideas come out with basic and valuable experiences with the technology with her IT corporation headquarter in Palo, Alto, California, USA. The company has been maintaining a lead among her contemporaries due to the effective strategic planning of the company and this has been jealously guided by the company in virtually all her businesses. Background of HP Company The initiators of HP Company are Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard who were classmates at Stanford Universities. They established the company in 1993, seventeen years ago. The first product of the company is called audio oscillators, an electronic testing instrument used by sound engineers. The product is developed in Palo Alto garage. Walt Disney studios were the first HP customers that bought a number of the audio oscillators for testing a new sound system. The company has gained enough popularity in so many countries of the world to have become the No 1 infrastructure support services revenue in 2003 among many world top support services providers. HP as a company always rise to challenges when it comes to IT-related issues, this is manifested in so many ways, the company offers one of the tech worlds most comprehensive portfolios of hardware, software, and services. The products range from personal computers, servers, and sophisticated storage devices, variety of printers and series of networking equipments. Asides this, the service unit of HP still offers series of IT and business outsourcing, software application development, IT consulting, and other IT-related services. The company has produces series of software such as carrier-grade communications applications, information management business intelligence and enterprise IT management among others. The coverage of her business are covered in consumers, business, government agencies and educational organization and such has been spread to more than 170 countries of the world. HP as a company believes so much in working towards achieving her set objectives and that has been the corporate values shared by all the employee within the organization. This is confirmed by the quotation of Dave Packard, co-founder of HP as follow: It is necessary that people work together in unison toward common objectives and avoid working at cross purposes at all levels if the ultimate in efficiency and achievement is to be obtained. Dave Packard The company has always been careful in following the pathways to achieving its set objectives based on the organizational values.Table 1 below summarizes the HPs corporate shared values and corporate objectives. Table 1: HPs Corporate values and objectives HPs Corporate Shared Values HPs Corporate Objectives Passion for customers Customer loyality Trust and respect for individuals Profit Achievement and contribution Growth Results through teamwork Market leadership Speed and agility Commitment to employees Meaningful innovation Leadership capability Uncompromising integrity Global citizenship Information Technology in HP HP company has been maintaining a lead in Information Technology (IT) which is evidenced as contained in the following discussions. To start with, it is revealed from the analyst firms report that HP recorded a tremendous increase in the infrastructure support services revenue from $7.889 billion to $8.028 billion between 2002 and 2003. This accounts for over 6% of the world infrastructure support service market. This marks the second year of the company (HP) leading the IT industry in support service revenue. Among the identified 450 IT service providers which is finally categorized in to the following four categories: Major service (Hardware maintenance and support, software support) Platform (Computing and connectivity) Industry Major geographical region and country HP maintains the lead in all the categories. HP is identified as one of the largest IT companies that operate in nearly every country. HP specializes in developing and manufacturing computing, data storage, networking and its hardware infrastructure, software design and rendering support services. The impact of Information Technology (IT) on the achievement of HP is not limited to the technological aspects but also the soft skills and expertise which are unique to HP software crew. Malan, Coleman Letsinger (1995) in their study conducted to explore the current state of object-oriented practice. The findings of the study revealed that the best practice is derived from lesson learnt from HP. This means that HP is maintaining a lead in this regard. Object oriented programming approach is the most competing approach and any organization with required expertise in this area will make its ways in the competitive environment. This part of what strengthens the IT proficiency of HP company . Therefore, the success of HP cannot be a surprise since IT is now considered as the hub of every business. HP as an IT-based company has always been ready to assist serious-minded organizations in solving their IT-relate problems and such has been a plus to the company. A good scenario in this regard is how HP came to the aid of St. Peters Anglican Primary School with 560 students in both the K-6 and pre-kindergarten classes. The leadership of the school so much believe that the creating a computer-assisted learning environment for the children will serve as a good motivation for them to learn, in their quest to achieve this, the school can only afford desktop PCs due to budget constraints. The desktop PCs were found to be very slow in network operation and some were even too old to work which affects the realization of the schools goals. An introduction to HPs channel partner Somerville, and HPs Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI), made St Peters to begin a complete overhaul of its IT infrastructure that would bring a new flexibility and efficiency to its entire computing platform. In doing this, HP plays a significant role in addressing this problem. HP implemented a Consolidated Client Infrastructure based on a series of blade PCs for St Peters. This system meant that when a blade PC went down, another would pick up the active session, immediately minimizing disruptions to users. In a Consolidated Client Infrastructure, desktop PCs are replaced by thin client terminals, which are then virtually connected to HP blade PCs stored on a blade rack enclosure in a remote and centralised location. Each blade PC has its own CPU, RAM and hard disk. A HP blade enclosure can contain up to 20 blade PCs in a 3U rack enclosure, allowing up to 280 blade PCs per 42U rack. Blade PCs are then accessed via the Microsoft RDP, Citrix ICA or HP RGS protocols and displayed on thin client devices. Only screen updates, keyboard strokes, mouse actions, audio and peripheral data travel over the network, all the processing happens on the blade PCs. Users are connected to blade PCs either statically or through a broker such as HPs Session Allocation Manager, thus allowing the creation of a concurrent pool of resources and lowering the amount of IT administration required. This among others repositioned HP within organizations in terms of IT support. Information System in HP The company does not limit herself to only the IT aspects but also doing well in information system. A good testimony to this is the HP being announced as the as the support company for the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) with the company tapping from the HPs software for optimizing the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to deliver a reliable kind of interoperability capable of servicing all US defense departments. SOA is a technique of delivering IT services in a secured and manageable manner by using flexible, reusable and standard technology that can easily be adjusted to take care of any unplanned changes that occur in the business plan. The HP systinet SOA (HP business technology) is very good in this regard as it assist business organization in building a kind of information system (record) to manage the services rendered throughout the cycle of that service. This is to explain how far HP as a company has gone in terms of information systems to have provided DISA which is solely used for planning, engineering, acquiring, fielding and supporting IT solutions capable of serving the U.S president, Vice President, Secretary of Defense and all departments of US defense. This has earn HP series of awards from 2005 to date. HP offers SOA services to help customers at any point along the SOA lifecycle, including the design, build, integration, management and evolution of their SOA environment. HP Services also collaborates with technology partners such as BEA Systems, JBoss, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP to offer customers choice and flexibility. Competitive Advantage Introduction about Competitive Advantage First of all, it is important to briefly define what is competitive advantage? Competitive advantage is a feature exhibited at the expense of the firms rivals or competitors. It is a state where a firm sustains profits that is more than the industrial set average profit. Primarily, it is the dream of every business organization to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. According to Michael Porter, cost advantage and differentiation advantage are identified as the two basic types of competitive advantage. Cost competitive advantage A business firm/organization is considered to achieve cost competitive advantage if she is able to offer a better service or products to customers at a relatively reduced cost compared to her competitors. For example, HP has achieved sustainable cost competitive advantage over all her competitors by being able to produce highly quality laptops at a cheaper rate. Differentiation competitive advantage Differentiation competitive advantage is gained or achieved by a firm or an organization if she is able to deliver services or products of better values compared to those offered by her rivals or competitors. With the explanation of the two types of competitive advantage, it can be described as a way of getting more values for the customers and getting more profits for the company. Figure 1 below describes a competitive advantage model. As can be seen from the model combination of the organizational resources (human and material) and capabilities forms the distinctive competencies that makes the organization to be able to make a difference with respect to either cost advantage of differentiation advantage which eventually creates values for both the organization and the customers. This is in line with the resource-based theory that for a firm to attain a sustainable competitive advantage, such a firm must have superior resources and capabilities compared to her competitors. How Competitive Advantage helps HP Company HP Company being one of the world largest IT companies with a quarterly revenue of approximately $97.1 billion is able to maintain such a wonderful record through the sustainable competitive advantage over the competitors. The sustainable competitive advantage has benefited the company in so many ways that she has no other choice other than sustaining such record. The gained competitive advantage has increased the companys revenue tremendously. In year 2006, HP recorded a much better revenue of $91.7 billion against the rival, IBM with $91.4 billion. In year 2007, the annual revenue of the company was jacked up to $104 billion to become the first IT company reported to have a revenue of more than $ 100 billion, it doesnt stop there, acquisition of the EDS in 2008, also jacked up the revenue to $118.4 billion. All these achievements in terms of boosting in the revenue are products of the gained competitive advantage. The competitive advantage gained and sustained ever since by HP can be also attributed to her leadership position in the world technology with groups strategically assigned to drive industry leadership in main technology areas. The Personal Systems group are responsible for the lead in the business and consumer PCs, mobile computing equipments and work station. In the same manner, the imaging and printing group is responsible for the successes recorded in all forms of printing devices (personal and commercial printing), printing supplies and the enterprise business group is in charge of all business products. The performance of each of these groups among others is what makes HP what it is today among her equal. In addition HP became the largest world seller of personal computers as a result of her competitive advantage. In January 2010 a report from Gartner and IDC (Market Research Firms) shows that there is a wide gap between HP and Dell with HP taking 8.3% market share lead at the end of 2009. It was equally reported that HP is the 6th largest world software company. HP Company is equally reported in year 2008, to have retained the global leadership position in Jacket, laser, large format and multifunction printers market and at the same time the second IT service provider throughout the world. All these benefits/achievements do not come by chance it is as a result of being able to maintain some degree of superiority over the competitors. This results in to competitive advantage and the benefits being discusses the created values based on the competitive advantage. Analysis of Competitive Advantage in HP Company HP is able to achieve and sustain competitive advantage with her distinctive competencies. First of all, the company is committed to simplifying technology experiences for all its customers. This is applicable to all the services rendered ranging from printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure. This is very important since it assists in making virtually all the HP products usable by the intended users by putting the customers first. There is no way one can analyze HP competitive advantage without discussing the HP values; HP values is associated with the complete adherence to the ways or paths set out by the founding HP leaders. These unique ways account for the decision-making and the firms advancement since it is just like a roadmap. Also, HP pioneers based the corporate culture on the integration and reinforcement of critical opposites. This is achieved by simultaneously creating an environment that both celebrates individualism and at the same time supports the team work. The beauty of it is that such a practice will allow the company to tap from the benefits of both approaches as the case may be and also to neutralize their associated risks. Another way by which the competitive advantage of HP Company is sought is through her concept of developing cross functional individuals. Unlike other companies that just hire staffs and train them for a specific job requirement to be assigned to such staffs throughout their stay in the organization, HP makes sure that all her employees move more than 4 to six functional areas within the company to allow them to work in more than one departments of the company and thereby effectively managing the organizational knowledge through effective sharing among her staffs. It has been widely agreed that in this knowledge era, effective knowledge management will surely lead to achievement of competitive advantage. The quest for developing employee has always been the strength of HP company in attaining competitive advantage since this makes the company to achieve effective organizational change considering the rampant changes in the business organizations. Miller (2004) revealed that since 1980, HP has been engaged in extensive employee retraining program called Software Job Skills (SJS). Personnel who might ordinarily be laid-off underwent serious retraining the complex set of required skills and techniques. This makes the company to be able to sustain her competitive advantage since the employees always continue to be relevant and compliant with the new trend organizational need and employee are considered important in the performance of every organization. Organizational competitiveness is derived by the implementation of knowledge management and its associated benefits. Knowledge management helps in reducing the production cost as a result of the possibility of reusability. This allows the organization to be able to offer services of the same quality or even better than that of its competitive at a relatively low cost. This is an important way of gaining competitive advantage. In addition, the implementation of knowledge management brought about enhanced employee productivity and coordination which has a resulting positive effect on organizational performance. Another important factor is early delivery or ubiquitous service deliver powered by the real time communication facility. It is a wise saying of HP as quoted as follow If only HP know what HP knows! It means that the required knowledge and skills for solving your problem resides somewhere within the company. This means that the company has achieved a lot through effective communication. All these account for achieving sustainable competitive advantage. There have been series of academic evidences responsible for the early delivery experienced in the company due to regular improvement and enhancement of the supply chain. According to Lava, Feyhl and Kakourus (2005),full optimization of the business supply chain cannot be achieved using only the Operation Research (OR) approach in this demanding fast-paced ubiquitous business environment of the globalized era. Using OR alone will require a lot of time which might result in to delay in the service delivery and thereby negatively affect customer satisfaction. HP strategic planning and modeling (SPaM) came out with a more efficient approach which combines the optimization ability of OR and scenario analysis of the expert knowledge to arrive at an effective supply chain approach capable of solving complex supply chain decision problem for HPs imaging and printing group of company. the earlier the customers can get the required service the more satisfied they are, the efficient supply chain of HP has been of the secretes of the companys sustainable competitive advantage. It ha equally been argued that the risk associated with supply chain are related to product demand, component cost and availability uncertainties and they all affect the companys revenues and profits. According to Ngali, Hwang, Sanghera, Gaskins, Pridgan, Thuvston, Mackenvoth, Branvold, Scholler and Shoemaker (2008), procurement management group is formed in HP and they developed and implemented a mathematical model, business process and software to estimate and manage risks associated with supply chain. This has brought a lot of benefits to the company. To the extent that in year 2006, HP was able to manage $7 billion of her spending by saving only material cost of not less than $128 million. This really maximizes the companys profits and contributes to the sustainable competitive advantage of the company. The products of HP are always better than that of her competitors and such are refined and rebranded from time to time to meet the changing technological needs of the customers. Just in November 2009, HP StorageWorks X9000 was introduced as the new network storage system which is primarily designed to meet the emerging trend of the explosive data growth and to enhance the performance of the file-based applications using scale-out network storage that has the ability to manage information efficiently using a single namespace. This has fetched the company more popularity in the networking society since such an innovation is needed in virtually all organizations that deal with large data. The StorageWorks is very efficient in storing data and it is known for relatively low down time. Conclusion From the discussion so far, it can be seen that organizational success cannot be easily achieved without adequately set certain outstanding objectives with pathways to achieve those objectives. From all the sources it can be deduced that the leading position maintained by HP company can be largely attributed to the aggressive ways of achieving the organizational objectives and that is only possible because of the shared corporate values among all members of the organization. No doubt such shared corporate values will make all members of the organization to have almost equal motivation to contribute to the overall organizational performance. Also, one value must always be guided to avoid being eroded and same holds for organizations. It will be difficult for any organization to beat the HP record as long as the corporate value is maintained.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Othello †Why the Universal Fascination? Essay -- Othello essays

Othello – Why the Universal Fascination?  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Though there is contention among literary critics regarding the universality of fascination with Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy Othello, among many generations of viewers there is a sharp consensus in favor of the universal attraction of the play.    Is characterization the dominant cause of the dramatist’s broad popularity? Harry Levin in the General Introduction to The Riverside Shakespeare finds other reasons for his appeal:      Universal as his attraction has been, it is best understood through particulars. Though – to our advantage – his creations are relatively timeless, they would not mean so much to us if they had not been timely in their day. Nor would they have made their lasting impact, if their author had not been past master of his exacting and exciting medium, linguistic, poetic, dramatic.[. . .] The book-learning that Shakespeare displays here and there is far less impressive, in the long run, than his fund of general information. His frame of reference is so far-ranging, and he is so concretely versed in the tricks of so many trades, that lawyers have written to prove he was trained in the law, sailors about his expert seamanship, naturalists upon his botanizing, and so on throughout the professions (2-4). Shakespeare’s universality – his ability to please every taste, to win â€Å"all men’s suffrage,† in Ben Jonson’s phrase – was compounded out of his very heterogeneity, his appeal to individuals through a concrete understanding of their concerns. (18)    Francis Ferguson in â€Å"Two Worldviews Echo Each Other† ranks the play Othello quite high among the Bard’s tragedies:    Othello, written in 1604, is one of the masterpieces of Shakes... ...sher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Rpt. from Shakespeare: The Pattern in His Carpet. N.p.: n.p., 1970.    Frye, Northrop. â€Å"Nature and Nothing.† Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.    Heilman, Robert B. â€Å"The Role We Give Shakespeare.† Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.    Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay examples -- Preven

The Los Angeles Times recently ran survey results that found that four out of five teenagers suffer sex harassment at school. One in ten students said that he/she had been forced to commit a sexual act during school hours. The surveyors state that the findings provide evidence that sexual harassment in schools has reached â€Å"epidemic† proportions. Employment training programs now ten years after the sexual harassment prohibition and the well-publicized Thomas hearings begin with myths and facts about sexual harassment or pre-tests on knowledge of the prohibitions against the activity. These tests still come up with â€Å"true† for the answers to myths like, â€Å"Women working in a predominantly male job should expect to live with rough language and dirty jokes† or â€Å"Only certain kinds of men harass women workers.† Sexual harassment, a form of sex discrimination violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the employment context Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended in 1991. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment or education, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or educational environment. Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances. The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex. The victim could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. ... ...vention and claims defense. A program to eliminate sexual harassment from the workplace is not only required by law, but it is the most practical way to avoid or limit damages if harassment should occur despite all preventative efforts. Unfortunately, â€Å"Boys will† still â€Å"be boys† and †girls too. Bibliography King & Barlow, Sexual Harassment: When a Quick Response May Not Be Prevention Enough, 1999 Brower & Associates, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, 1999 Parham & Rajcic, Sex and Power in the Schools, 1996 Liebert, Cassidy & Frierson, Finding the Facts: Harassment Investigations School Policy Legal Insider, April 1999 Equal Opportunity Commission: Policy Guidance on Sexual Harassment, 1990

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Does Airport Security Make Us Safer? Essay -- airport security is utte

On the morning of 22 March 2016, three coordinated nail bombings occurred in Belgium: two at Brussels Airport in Zaventem, and one at Maalbeek metro station in Brussels. In these attacks, 32 victims and three suicide bombers were killed, and over 300 people were injured. Another bomb was found during a search of the airport. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attacks.[1] 1. "Another bomb found in Brussels after attacks kill at least 34; Islamic State claims responsibility". The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 22 March 2016. It has become a regular part of air travel, the common airline passenger expects to have to undergo certain screenings before they ever board an aircraft. The procedure of removing shoes, jackets, belts, laptops, etc. has become a regular occurrence and most people feel a feeling of security because these precautions are taken with every passenger. But are travelers as safe as they feel? Airports are broken into five areas of security, the Public area, Sterile, SIDA (Secure Identification Display Area), Air operations Area, and Secure. The common thoughts about security breaches at an airport are those of someone getting through the sterile area, this area is where individuals are screened prior to getting to the aircraft gates. The reason for this perception stems from the attacks on the morning of September 11th 2001, where nineteen hijackers made it through security screening and on to four aircraft leading into the worst loss of life due to terrorism in the history of the United States. However, this paper will focus on the latter security areas through the security precautions taken to try and prevent unauthorized access as well as notable failur... ...13, from Oliver, B. (2013, February 20). Investigation: Airport security - Dallas News | Investigation: Airport security - Dallas News | Retrieved November 18, 2013, from Pescador, K., Renga, A., & Gay, P. (2012). N/A. San Diego International Airport, Lindbergh Field (p. 110). s.l.: Arcadia Publishing (SC). Stereovision. (n.d.). The ultimate in anti-piggybacking technology. Stereovision. Retrieved November 20, 2013, from Stoller, G. (2011, July 12). Airport security breaches since 2001 raise alarms. USATODAY.COM. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from

Mental Ill and Workplace Lack of Diversity Literature Review Essay

Introduction Being employed is a life experience which everyone wishes they could experience. Being employed allows an individual prospect of belonging, gratitude and allows them to build their self worth. People who have low self esteem believe that they are less fortunate in obtain employment then others. There are many obstacles that the mentally ill experience when trying to again employment. After conducting this research I have located sources that will reflect on the mentally ill. There were several issues that affect the mentally ill from gain employment such as education, support system, employer’s lack of knowledge of this population, discrimination, stigma, stress while being employed and dealing with multiple problem that occur at one time..The reason for this review is to focus on issues that would occur in prevent the mentally ill from maintain employment and for the individual to be more diverse while working alongside or with this population. Research was conducted on this topic and will be reflected in this review. History Having a source of income is important in someone life by having employment it allows them to be independent and also help them to obtain goods that better value their living. In September 2012 employment rate in United States rose by 418,000 to 155.1 and there were 802,000 discouraged workers in September, a decline of 235,000 from a year earlier. Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them (United States Department of Labor, 2012). This research shows how it is hard for someone who does not have a mental illness to obtain employment. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports mentally ill is at the bottom of the employment poll which was reported from the National Health Interview Survey ( 2012, Loveland, Driscoll, & Boyle, 2007). Being in the workforce allow you to take care of your personal needs. It allows you to earn money and be active in society. In life this is how people determine who they are and what they want to be. The mentally ill are so afraid of revealing which they are that this might prevent them from obtaining employment. Emotion or feelings are difficult to evaluate because they often remain hidden (Bucher, 2008). Mentally ill are afraid to tell their employer or co worker that they suffer from mental illness because of fear of being terminated because of discrimination. .Carr-Ruffino(2005) defines discrimination as actions or practices that results in members of a less powerful group being differently in ways that disadvantage them. For example john told his employer he was taking medication for his mental illness. His employer response is that we don’t need people here like that. The employer was not being cultural diverse which would cause him to be sued. Diversity means being aware of your own and someone else’s cultural belief, religion, race, sexual orientation. (2012) defines cultural competence as the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures, ethnic backgrounds. Social workers should obtain education about and seek to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability (NASW, 2008). Individual who have mental illness already are being stereotype in the world and now being stereotype while looking or having employment is not diverse. By being aware of someone else we can better service ourselves and them. Wikipedia (2012) defines social stigma is the extreme disapproval of, or discontent with, a person on the grounds of characteristics that distinguish them from other members of a society. Stigma may attach to a person, who differs from social or cultural norms. Vogel & Haake, (2006) states stigma associated with seeking mental health services, therefore, is the perception that a person who seeks psychological treatment is undesirable or socially unacceptable. Wikipedia (2012) defines job as a regular activity performed in exchange for payment. A person usually begins a job by becoming an employee, volunteering, or starting a business. Employment improves self-esteem, satisfaction with finances, and has been associated with reduction of hospitalization rates and psychiatric symptoms (Johannesen, McGrew, Griss, & Born, 2007). â€Å"Research suggests that work improves self-esteem and well-being† (Gannon & Gregory, 2007). The mentally ill utilize work as belonging to something and a step to return to society without being stereotype. History has shown that the mental ill and employment has not been a major focus. In society we view the mental ill as the led fortunate and society expectation is that they would not work. Sociostructural b arriers and disincentives have also made it difficult for people with a mental disorder to get in and stay in the competitive workforce (Marrone JF, Follwy S, Selleck V., 2005). Individual with a mental illness has right to do anything that an average individual does in the workplace or in their personal life. In order for them to do this they would need a support system which would include job coach, counseling, therapy and housing. World Health Organization (2012) states, governments need to dedicate more of their health budget to mental health. In addition the mental health workforce needs to be developed and trained to ensure that all people have access to good quality mental health services at each level of the health care system. People who suffer from mental health issue are capable of working however the unemployment rate continues to rise. Trading Economic (2012) reports from 1948 until 2012, the United States Unemployment Rate averaged 5.8 Percent reaching an all time high of 10.8 Percent in November of 1982 and a record low of 2.5 Percent in May of 1953. The unemployment rate can be defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labor force. Unemployment rates for people with serious and persistent psychiatric disabilities are the highest, typically 80-90%. (Crowther & Marchall, 2001). Employment among those with severe mental illness is much lower at eight percent (Gannon & Gregory, 2007). As a result, people with serious mental disabilities constitute one of the largest groups of social security recipients (Sanderson & Andrews, 2006). Individuals who suffer from mental illness and do not have a job will always be judged because of their illness and them not being employed. By the employer not being culturally diverse this stops the mentally ill from being employed and causes the employer to hire someone with out mental health issues. 2012) reports that Kessler Foundation and The National Organization on Disability found that little progress has been made in closing the employment gap between people with and without disabilities since the passage of the ADA into law. Reports have shown that many mental ill individual are employed a dead end job which does not have any advancement. Current reports from Kessler Foundation/NOD (2010) reports majority of employers, according to a 2010 survey, include flexible work schedules, telecommuting, and ergonomic redesign of workstations. This behavior is following The American Disability Act which states accommodation is any modification or adjustment to a job or the work environment that will enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions. Reasonable accommodation also includes adjustments to assure that a qualified individual with a disability has rights and privileges in employment equal to those of employees without disabilities (, 2012). Individual with mental illness are working alongside individual who are not diverse. They might be judged by their co workers after returning from treatment which causes the co worker to be biases. Most jobs that the mental ill obtain will end unsuccessful. A greater effort must be made to provide support networks for employees within their work environments (Nelson & Kim, 2012). Individual sometime keep their mental illness as a secret to avoid bad treatment at work which causes them not to use the employee benefits that are given. In order for the workplace to be diverse the employer must force diversity in the work place by having training for their staff. We make diversity work when were willing to imagine people from different backgrounds views the world and how theses people are view by others around them Carr-Ruffino (2005). Conclusion By being more knowledge of the mentally ill we can avoid being biases. We can avoid decimations and stigma in the workplace and in ourselves. Mentally ill should not have a reason to experience workplace inequity and direct prejudice due to past shortcoming because they are disabled. In order for the mental ill to keep employment they would need to have a treatment plan in place. Research has shown that there are still areas in dealing with the mental ill in the workplace but we as society also must be diverse. References Bucher, R. D. (2008). Building cultural intelligence (CQ): Nine megaskills. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780131738959. Carr-Ruffino, N. (2005). Making diversity work. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780130485120 Crowther RE, Marchall M, Bond GR, et al.(2001). Helping people with severe mental illness to obtain work: systematic review. Retrieve from: Drake, R.E., Becker, D.R., Biesanz, JDavid L. Vogel, Nathaniel G. Wade, and Shawn Haake (2006) Measuring the Self-Stigma Associated With Seeking Psychological Help. Retrieved from: Gannon & Gregory (2007) Barriers to improving work opportunities for people with severe mental illness. Retrieved from: Johannesen, McGrew, Griss, & Born (2007). Vocational Rehabilitation for People with Psychiatric. Retrieved from: Kessler Foundation/NOD (2010). Survey of Employment of Americans with Disabilities. Retrieved from: Loveland D, Driscoll H, Boyle M. 2007. Enhancing supported employment services for individuals with a serious mental illness: A review of the literature. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 27(3):177-189. Marrone JF, Follwy S, S elleck V. (2005) How mental health and welfare to work interact: the role of hope, sanctions, engagement, and support. Retrieved from: National Association of Social Workers (2008). NASW code of ethics. Retrieved from: Nelson RE, Kim J. (2011).The impact of mental illness on the risk of employment termination. Retrieved from: Sanderson K, Andrews G. (2006) Common mental disorders in the workforce: recent findings from descriptive and social epidemiology. Retrieve from: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission( 2012) American Disability Act. Retrieved form: The Center For Disease Control and Prevention (2012), National Health Interview Survey. Retrieve from: hs/nhis.htm Trading Economic (2012) Employment Rates. United

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of Ramayana

Ramayana is true, if you have read it you can easily make out that it just can't be a mere work of imagination. All the incidents, places and events seems natural. Nothing seems to be false. When britishers captured India some 150 yrs. ago, they rumoured it to be false and then some britishers who didn't had any firm Hindu background just declared it to be a myth. Conclusion: IT IS TRUE Religions Background of Ramayana Hindu religious literature is the large body of traditional narratives related to Hinduism, notably as contained in Sanskrit literature, such as the Sanskrit epics and the Puranas. As such, it is a subset of Indian culture. Role in Hinduism The Ramayana is extremely popular. India nearly shut down when a dramatized series of the Ramayana appeared on television in the 1980s. Recitation of the Ramayana earns great merit. Rama and Sita are seen as the ideal married couple. In North India, the Ramayana is acted out in the annual pageant Ram-Lila. It was a favourite subject of Rajasthani and Pahari painters of the 17th and 18th centuries. Gandhi called it the greatest book in the world. Tulsi Das, medieval author of the Hindi translation, said, â€Å"Whenever I remember Rama's name, the desert of my heart blooms lush and green.† Comparison between Iliad, & Ramayana -Ramayana A virtuous king named Rama is banished to the forest, where he has many adventures, and then he rescues his wife Sita from the evil king of Sri Lanka with the help of his friends. – -Homer’s The Iliad The gods of ancient Greece, most of whom were adopted by the ancient Romans, were generally described as human in form, unaging, nearly immune to all wounds and sickness, capable of becoming invisible, able to travel vast distances almost instantly, and able to speak through human beings with or without their knowledge. In Greek mythology, the gods were presented as a large, multi-generational family, the oldest members of which created the world as we know it. Each Greco-Roman divinity has his or her own specific appearance, genaeology, interests, personality, and area of expertise, subject to significant local variants. When the gods were called upon in poetry or prayer, they were referred to by a combination of their name and epithets, the latter serving to distinguish them from other gods. Theme of Ramayana The age-old battle between virtue and vice is the main theme of the Indian epic Ramayana. It is the life story and message of SreeRaaman, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who took human form in this world to tame the wicked. This great literary and religious classic is a traditional mind cleanser even the touching of which is considered sacred. However, it is also a tale of the Aryan war race. In Indian history, the theme of Ramayana is the biography of king Sri Ramachandra is Called Ramayan. Ram is Sri Ramchandra and ayan means the story. The other theme of Ramayana is – â€Å"The good (Lord Rama) vanquishes the evil (Ravana)†. In India the festival, Dussehra is based on the central theme of Ramayana.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My Proudest Day of My Life

The Proudest Day of My Life The grey schooldays what I once hated most, are finally over. Do you remember the tons of homework, different and challenging assignment, hard exams? So those are the past now. It was a beautiful summer day, the big day, the day of my graduation. An important event, that many of my friends and I prayed for that we will do well after our examination without worries. The feeling was so special that no words could describe it. But despite of this I really would like to share with you my special day! The loud applause from the students rocked the hall when the school syndicate entered.Everyone was so excited about it. The music was uplifting as the symbols of the school then our teachers and the dean had reached their seats. We rose and sang the National Hymn. After the hymn, the dean opened the graduation ceremonially with his speech. Then some of our teachers and some pupils said â€Å"thank you† and â€Å"good bye† to each other. Although the first speech was quite dry, the others were very interesting. After the speeches students from each class lined up in the auditorium. Many of us waited eagerly for our turn to go the main stage to receive our diplomas from the dean.We were more than two hundred but I was waiting patiently. Of course I was very excited. Soon after that, it was my turn. How can I describe that feeling you have been waiting for so long? As I heard my name, I stood up, walked to the stage and the dean handed my diploma after shaking each other's hands. A second later I heard the applause and the unforgettable moment of feeling proud, that yes, I did it! It was an amazing feeling to stay there in front of everyone, especially in front of your family, your loved ones and see the joy in their eyes.In that seconds and on the way back to my seat I recalled a lot of memories from the last five years. All the positive and negative aspects of being a student came to my mind like the hard exams or the fun time w ith my friends. After the ceremony, in the background, a white projector screen scrolled down then flashed a video on it. It recalled many memories from our first day we had our orientation till the last days. I was astonished to see my face as some pictures of me popped up on the screen. Seeing myself five years younger at the orientation week with a scared face and with a â€Å"what am I doing here† feeling was really funny.I felt a little bit embarrassed, but we laughed a lot with my friends. At the end of the ceremony we sang the school song then we went to the fountain in front of the university and took some pictures with friends and our last group photo. After that we had a short conversation with friends and somehow a sense of nostalgia aroused eventhough we were all happy that we finally graduated. I took a last glance around the main lobby – the place I first entered the university five years ago – before I went back to my family.Along the way back hom e, in the car was the time when I had a weird feeling. It felt as if it was happiness and sadness with many other kinds of feelings. The feeling was stronger when I had reached home. I knew if I told myself I did not miss the school and my friends that would be lye. Perhaps that was the last time we gathered our friends together. However, I am extremely happy that I finished my school and got my master degree, but I also will miss it! I am sure that we would not be able to feel what we once felt together in the classroom during the past five years.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Globalization in Iran Essay

1. Historical: Entered globalization in 1906 as they created a constitution that developed democratic principles. 2. 3 Consequences: 1. Growing disparity between urban and rural areas. 2. Cut back in government spending and education along with health care. 3. Limited evolution since the colonial period. 3. 3 Barriers: 1. Lack of new improved technology. 2. Too dependent on their natural resource wealth. 4. Reducing Barriers: The now have a desire for political unity. 5. FDI: Shell gas is involved in negotiations between Iran and Chinese oil companies. Total Oil gas company has complete control of the oil fields in Doroud and Balal. 6. Corporations Contribute: Yes, they do because they are looking for cheap labor and Iran is managing to keep them by maintaining low standards for laborers. 7. Effect on People: Women are seen as only a token of modernity in rural towns. They are not citizens in modern areas and have no equal rights or equal protections. 8. Gap between rich and poor: The gap between rich and poor is clearly shown as many of the few rich people have made money as a result of oil that brings in billions of dollars. The unemployment rate is 15.3%. 9. Cultural Changes: As a result of war from surrounding countries many are scared of practicing their religion and worry of the effects these wars may have on their own towns and cities. 10. Exclusion from globalization: Iran constantly has international sanctions imposed on them as a result of refusing to accept outside business. It is a country that is being forced to globalize. 11. Transnational Organizations: These include the IMF, WB, WTO, WHO and the most important OPEC. 12. Control of Information: There are no internet restrictions but some internet providers have filters on for websites. 13. Increased Mobility: Oil reserves allow Iran to become urbanized. 67% live in urban centers. 14. Nationalism: Resurgence of nationalism conducts research of nationalism because they seek expansion in scientific, nuclear, and technological advancement and exert their social and government views on nations. 15. Benefits: Promote services, resources, and idealology such as religious beliefs. 16. Costs: Alienation of opposing views, governments, and businesses.